Thursday, September 27, 2012

Park Playdate with Bryce and Bike Time

While Chase was at his first day of school, Bryce and I hit the park.  They seem to have a lot of these funky swings at all their parks around here.  While I was at the park, there were maybe 6 other toddlers there that day, and they all had nannies there watching them.  I actually was talking to one thinking she was the mom, but she was the nanny.  There is a lot of money around here and a lot of working moms. But so thankful I get to stay home full time with my sweet boys.

 Bryce's favorite word of the week, "tunnel", and "come on".  Bryce is so good at repeating words.  It is a lot of fun that he is constantly saying new words and trying to repeat tough words, which was so different from Chase.
 Chase cruising on his Birthday bike.  He likes to ride when it is flat, but the slightest upgrade/downgrade freaks him out.  So we are working on it.

 Chase reving his handle bar, it is a hot wheel bike.  And cute Bryce on the push along bike.  Chase rides and we push Bryce around the block.

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