Friday, February 25, 2011

Bryce's 2 Month Stats

Bryce's 2 Month Stats:
Weight - 13.8 lbs. (90th %) Surpassed Chase's 2 month weight by 1 ounce
Height - 22.76 in. (50th%)
Head - 39.5 cm (50th%)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bryce's 1st Outing to Church

The boys watching Blues Clues right before heading out the door to church yesterday.
Stretching after 3 hours of church. Bryce did well, although he only slept about 20 minutes of church and I flashed a couple sisters in the hall while trying to nurse. And Cole had to work, so it was just me and the boys. Luckily, I had the Roth girls to help me out so I survived.

Kinderjam-Chase is 2 1/2

Chase is 2 1/2. He is going to be 3 before we know it. Chase has really started to grow up fast. He has really being trying hard to repeat words we say and has been working on his sounds and alphabet. Cole and I both have been doing fun games to get him to start talking more, and it has really helped. He has been doing so much better with eating and trying new things and has been doing so well at Daichii and nursery. They tell us that he is such a good boy and apparently he has been eating fish and vegetables lately, and he even ate salad with us last night. We still have our 2 year old struggles with him, like having to duck tape his diaper to prevent him from taking it off and throwing it across the room, and not chucking things off his plate and ottoman. So it is a good thing he is so cute and we are counting down the days when Bryce will be old enough to play with Chase. Above picture Chase is doing the actions to the 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed at his weekly Kinderjam class.
This is a cute song where the kids put the bean bag on different parts of their body.
No hands mom.
So cute. Chase and Becca.

B-Ball Champions

Cole's Award Banquet

Cole receiving a medal for Misawa's Medical Group's CGO(company grade officer) of the year at a private awards banquet. I am so proud of my husband. Below is the email that was sent out to everyone in the medical squadron after he had won.

"On behalf of Col Guillermo Tellez, I am proud to announce Capt Cole Taylor as the 35th Medical Group's Company Grade Officer of the Year for 2010. Capt Taylor will represent the 35 MDG in competition for the Wing's CGO of
the year award. Please congratulate him on his competitive selection. All of the squadron nominees were stellar and they showcased why the medical group has a fantastic reputation. The CGO of the year is announced early due to the PACAF requirement for names earlier than the other categories. Congratulations Capt Taylor!"
So after the private banquet where Cole received his award, I got to be his escort as they announced us into a big banquet ballroom. I felt like I was reliving my wedding day with the sabors. It was great to get out and I was honored to be able to support my hubby, but it was really stressful leaving my six week old with our good neighbor friends.
Look at Cole sporting the cool medallion around his neck. It has a Tori on it to represent Misawa Air Base. Cole also received two more medical group awards for the year and quarter that came with a cool statue and plaque that I will have to have him take a pictures of. Awesome Job Sweetie!!!!!