Monday, September 10, 2012

Chase's Avenger Birthday Party

Love these super heros!!!  All 3 had a blast playing super hero, thanks Grammy for picking these up, they made the party.  Chase had made a lot of new friends while we were in Utah, but we thought it would be best to do a family party for Chase since we were leaving the next night and Chase had been really sick the week before.  Chase loved all his gifts, just realized we never sent out thank you cards.  Sorry the move has made me forget a lot of things.  

Chase was too cute.  He set the table and brought everyone their drink before he sat down.  He is such a gentleman.
Pizza, pizza.  One of Bryce's favorites.
Super hero soccer.

Chase loved his pinata or as he called it his pinyaya.

He was sweet enough to give CoCo and Bryce a turn each, before he took over the bat and went to town.


Water Balloon Relay that turned into a water balloon fight with the adults until the kids got upset.

Cool.  Chase was loving the batmobile.  Thanks CoCo.  And he loves his transformer plane from Aunt Kara and he still sleeps with his night puppy every night that Aunt Kara brought him.

The cake that I reorderd about 4 different times, and I then forgot to get a close up picture before we cut into it.  It turned out really cute and I was glad The Store was so nice.

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