Sunday, September 23, 2012

Air Space and Science Museum

 On Labor Day, Cole and Chase took the metro down to the Mall and visited the Air Space and Science Museum.  I love how the D.C. museums are all free.  Bryce and I stayed home since we were sick with a cold that weekend(our family has been hit hard these last couple weeks with different little flu/cold viruses)(We just must be coming in contact with different stuff than our bodies are use to.)  But from the pictures it looks like Chase had a blast with his Dad.  My boys love planes.  

I had to take a picture of what Chase drew for me after his visit to the air space museum.  They went and saw an IMAX showing of the universe and learned a lot about earth and planets.  So here is his Earth that he labeled himself with some water.  I drew the terrible tree.  But he drew me to the right and then he started to draw himself and then stopped and laugh and said, "That's not right, I look like a potato."  For some reason I thought that was so funny because I was thinking the same thing as he started to draw himself.  Then he also wanted to draw Jesus on Earth, but I said he lived in heaven.  So the little circle to the upper left is heaven with Jesus in it.

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