Tuesday, December 21, 2010

チェイス at Hiyoko School

Chase(チェイス) with one of his Sensei's Chiho. She seems so nice and she seems to really get excited when Chase comes. Chase has been going to Hiyoko about once a week for the past several months. He seems to really like it now, and he just goes right in and waves goodbye to me. I usually drop him off around 8:30 and pick him up after lunch at 12:15. He has stayed a couple of times till 2:30 and they said he took an hour nap with the other kids. But he was so tired the rest of the day cause he is used to 2 to 3 hour naps.
So when Chase first gets to school, they put on his smock and put on his white Japanese shoes. And place his backpack and lunch box in a cubby, and towels if he is staying for a nap.

Sorry this picture is not very clear, but I was trying to be sneaky so Chase wouldn't see me. The kids are all sitting down eating lunch. He actually ate his lunch today, cause it was spaghetti, yogurt, and fruit that they served. But the menu is usually a lot more Japanese. He has done really good when they have served Curry, Udon noodles, Yakitori, and he loves plain white rice now. But the Sensei's have told me that the days they have served the seaweed, tofu, and seafood meals he will only eat his white rice. Can't say I blame him.
This is his classroom.
So this is what he takes with him to Hiyoko when he stays for lunch. A bento box is what they serve them their lunch in. Some days they ask us to send white rice in the bento box cause they will add curry and soups to it. Fork, spoon, cups, towel, lunch bag, shoes, backpack, and everything has to be labeled with his name on it - チェイス.
This is not at school, but I took Chase to this fun play area in the mall this past week. Chase's friends Becca and Marie also came with us. They had this little room that blows air to allow balloons to float around. Chase was loving it.


DeLana said...

Chase looks so grown up. Maybe he can teach me some Japanese when I get there. See you soon!


Grandma T. said...

What a great blog. I love seeing Chase in his environment. School looks fun. Wow, you sent a blog and then it's off to the hospital to have a baby. You really are superwoman! Can't wait for pictures of Bryce.