Thursday, March 29, 2012

Making Japanese Rice Balls

Chase and Becca learning how to make Japanese Rice balls at preschool by Mrs. Yuli. They first scooped some rice into their seran wrap.  Then Chase put salmon flakes inside of his rice and Becca put tuna inside of her rice.  Then they rolled it into a ball and wrapped seaweed around it.  They both ate them up and wanted more.  And Chase kept telling me that he wanted to make some more at home.  My little Japanese boy.  His Daiichi days really helped him to like the Japanese food.

I love getting to see Chase at preschool.  He is so talkative, a little too much, but he livens up the room.  Chase has been telling me the sweetest thing lately, "Mommy, you're my best friend.''  Then he will follow up that Becca, Caid, and Ryan are his best friends as well.  But Chase is the sweetest kid.  He is so much fun.
This was too funny.  Chase ate about 3 of these long strips of seaweed plain.  You usually eat them with the rice ball.  But Chase was the only one eating them plain. His teacher was cracking up.
They are singing a Japanese song here and I think are talking about a little temple.  The last couple weeks of preschool they have been learning about Japan and their traditions.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Maybe Chase can make me some rice balls with seaweed when I come.
