Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sneaky Bryce at 14 1/2 Months

So this is Bryce at 14 1/2 months.  I walked by the bathroom to find him standing up on the stool for the first time and playing in the sink.  He just seems like he is getting older each day and we are just in love with this little guy.  Few things about Bryce right now that we can't get enough of:
-He loves books.  Bryce walks around with a book in his hand most of the time and plops in your lap and wants you to read him a book.
-He loves to cuddle and gives great big hugs.
-He loves to say, "Ma Ma Ma".  Chase said Da Da before Ma Ma, so Bryce is just the opposite.  When you try to get him to say anything else, he will just say ma ma ma and laugh.  Although I got him to say "Go Go Go" the other day.
-He loves to nod his head when he is saying yes.  Especially when he is eating something that is good he nods his head in approval and smiles.  It is too funny.  Chase was the opposite here as well, cause he learned to shake his head side to side to say no, and Bryce does forward and back for yes.
-He loves to laugh.  He has the cutest giggle and loves for mom, dad, and especially Chase to tickle him.
-He has had a few bites of ice cream, he still has is dairy allergy so he can't have too much, but he thinks ice cream might be the best thing ever.  He is in heaven.  Chase and Bryce are just alike with their love for ice cream.  We caught Chase one morning with the ice cream carton out eating it for breakfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved catching up with the Taylors. I could never keep up. Those boys are the total package; cute, smart, and fun! Chase is ready for school waaaay to early. Ma,ma,ma is a good thing to say, and ice can't beat that!
Greem Eggs and Ham is Sam's personal favorite.:)