Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I am one lucky mom!  We had a good St. Patty's Day, although we were sad that Cole left us for the states for a week.  But we had a lot of Green going on.  Green pancakes and green shakes for breakfast.  Green shirts to wear and books to read.  Don't think we had anything green for dinner, but we had some green popcorn that we made the day before and some green cupcakes left over from our little party that we went to the day before with some other kids and moms from our branch.  One thing that is funny lately.  Chase tells me every time he picks up a book or toy that his "Grammy/Grandma gave this to him".  I just say yes, and laugh to myself, cause it usually is true.  These boys are super lucky to have such great grandparents that send them fun gifts and clothes.
 My boys love their books.  I love it when Chase reads books to Bryce, so precious.
My leprechaun is trying to find his gold through the web he created, with my help.  Chase had a blast with this game.  Since it continues to snow nonstop we have to find a lot of indoor games to keep my guys busy.  We play a lot of duck, duck, goose(Bryce loves this one too), tag your it, racing, hide and seek, etc.  It is a good thing these boys are so cute.


DeLana said...

I just love these two little guys! Glad they had a great "Lucky" day. Can't wait to see them!


Kara said...

Love these pictures Berry! Thanks for posting! Love and miss you guys everyday!

TnT Forever said...

What a fun MOm you are! I'm sure it's hard to keep the little one's busy inside all day. Both your boys seem so happy and get along together well. Josh doesn't like Chase that much and likes to push him around. They rarely have those precious cuddle moments. Cute kiddos!!!