Saturday, March 2, 2013

My little Scientist

Chase loves Science.  He loves learning about animals, the solar system, the earth, etc.  He must take after his Daddy.  Thanks Grammy for sending this fun science kit.  Chase so far loved his first project of making pennys shiny by putting them in lemon juice.  His excitement and smile were priceless when he was in the science zone.  His teacher at school told me Chase is doing really well at everything, has lots of friends(we have been doing playdates with his friends from class), and that he Loved Science.  Chase and I usually work on writing, drawing, and reading while Bryce naps, so it has been fun to throw in a few science projects lately to change it up. It is really fun to see Chase starting to read.  We just started reading some Bob Books together and Chase can read the first four books.  It is exciting when they sound a word out and then can figure it out.  Go Chase.  

This shark was the size of Chase's hand and then after we put it in "cold" water, it now looks like this. We got this toy shark from the Baltimore aquarium and first put it in hot water so we thought it was a bust.  But it showed us when we finally did it right.
 My boys making fizzy foam volcanos.  They were having so much fun.  Bryce might have sat and played all day with his clay volcano and messy lava.
Bryce is so full of himself these days.  He learns new words everyday.  He was loving saying the word "lava, lava".  Bryce has some funny saying right now, he will say "See you later Cow" when he is leaving a room(no idea where he learned that).  He likes to say "Trouble, Trouble, Trouble AAAH" from the Taylor Swift goat spoof you tube video.  And when he gets mad he will scream for 10 seconds and then fall to the ground and start snoring for 5 seconds and then stand up and be fine.  It is really hard not to laugh.  Chase, Cole, and I will just look at each other and try not to laugh.  Lastly when we are being silly or loving to Bryce, he will tilt his head like in this picture, and say"MOMM or DADD" in the sweetest voice.  Will have to try to get some of these things on video.  

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