Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ice Festival at the National Harbor

Inside the Ice Festival Tent it was 9 degrees.  So they gave everyone special coats to put on.  We felt like smurfs.  Gaylord Hotel does this ice festival every year with a different theme.  This year the theme was Shrek.  Everything was made out of ice inside.  We have been really spoiled having gone to the Sapporo Ice Festival, but this was still a fun night out.  Plus we got to hang out with Cole's buddy Matty from the Academy that was visiting from Douha with his new wife.

 Ice slide time.  So fun.

 Bryce was a little out of control his first slide down, but still wanted to go again.

 The ice nativity was the coolest part of the night.  It would also light up as they read the story of baby Jesus.

Bryce wanted a picture with baby Jesus and the lambie.  Although, the next day at church there was a  baby in the row in front of us, and he looked at me and pointed and said "baby Jesus, mommy."

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