Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chase told Santa he wants a plane that scoops water for Christmas.  Don't know what Bryce wants this year.  But Bryce loves to say "Christmas lights", "Santa", and "Frosty, the Snowman".  He still just as the cutest and sweetest voice.  And he is always talking up a storm and still says "mommy" fifty million times a day.  But I just love these boys to death.  Chase is still so sweet.  He is my little helper these days.  And when Bryce is not cooperating when we are out in about, I just tell him to hold Chase's hand or do what Chase is doing, and then he does and I can relax. 
 Brothers.  Couple of Chase stories.  We were driving home the other night after swim class and Chase randomly says, "Mom, how is Santa going to come to our house when we don't have a chimney."(they must have talked about that in school)  I laughed to myself and said we would leave a window open.  He liked that answer and then counted which houses had chimneys and which houses Santa would have to come in the window.
When I picked Chase up from preschool yesterday, they had a Christmas tree outside his classroom.  It had a list of all the kids names and what their favorite thing was about Christmas.  Next to Chase's name it said, "Chase likes giving presents".  I think he was the only one that said that.  He has loved helping to make presents for his teachers, toys for tots, and picking presents out for a couple of his friends birthdays this past week and Bryce's birthday coming up.  And tonight he completely wrapped all by himself with wrapping paper and tape a present for Bryce.(I think inside it is some old trains and tunnel that he found in the play room and he wrote his name on a little tag that he cut out.  It is the cutest thing ever.  And he didn't like that the sides were open so he used a paper towel to close it off with tape.  It is the sweetest thing ever.  I will take a picture and post later.
 So sweet.  Love this photo of my baby Bryce.  He is going to be 2 on Saturday.  Yikes.

1 comment:

Grandma T. said...

I love Chase's true holiday spirit. He wraps presents like his Great-Grandma Larsen. She would adore these two boys, and thier wonderful parents who are raising them to be such givers.
Merry Christmas to my beautiful family. This blog is a gift.