Friday, May 11, 2012

Ichou Park(Statue of Liberty Park)

Ichou Park or Liberty Park is only about 20 minutes from our place.  But this was the first time we actually visited the park.  It is really a pretty park with ponds and a little playground and roller slide.  They built a mini statue of liberty because this park is at the same latitude as the real statue of liberty in New York City.  So random. The Cherry blossoms were about a week away when we came, but I guess this park is really pretty with the blossoms.  

 So this picture is when Bryce said"Cheese" for the first time really loud.  His second official word, "Duck is the first".  It was too cute.  Chase and I were saying Cheese and then Bryce voiced in.

 Bryce does this sign and says "Duck".  I think we might have said something about a duck so he followed.  We are not sure why he puts his finger in the air, but he does this everytime he says Duck.  He is obsessed with a you tube song called "The Duck Song"(thanks Cole).  He just loves it and that is why his first word, other than Ma, is Duck.
Something about picking up rocks and throwing them into the water is so much fun.  We do this everyday on our road, but the boys throw the rocks into the drain.
 Roller slide time.
 Chase catching up to Grammy.
Chase's first time on a rope swing.  
 Riding the panda bear. 

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