Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bryce's 2 Week Stats

Bryce after his 2 week appointment. He passed with flying colors. As well left his mark on the weight table, peeing for about 2 min. all over my arm and the nurse (it just kept going and going-we were just laughing cause we couldn't stop it). This boy does not have a problem peeing now. However in the hospital, they want to make sure they pee before they can go home. And he held it in until about an hour before we went home. But since then he has had no problem.
Stats: 25th% in all categories
Height-20.39 in.
Weight-7.72 lbs.
Head-35.7 cm.

So sweet. Nicknames so far for Bryce. Mr. Krinkles (he loves to scrunch his forward and nose, but as he is getting chubbier his lines are starting to disappear), Bryce Burrito (he loves to be swaddled), Smidge and Peanut (he is so little), and baby bear (Bryce makes grunting noises all day long-in his sleep, while he eats, when he is awake that sounds like a bear cub-it is pretty comical).

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