Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tiananmen Square, Imperial Palace - Beijing

Here we are in Tiananmen Square. Our guides had never even heard about the protests/massacres of 1989 and all of the information on this had been blocked or removed from Google.

Posing in front of the picture of Mao and one of the Red Army guards. I don't think you are supposed to turn your back to Mao, but what do I know? Chase is protected in his waterproof stroller cover.

The Imperial Palaces/Forbidden City. What an impressive area! This area served as the home of Chinese emperors and their families for over 500 years. It is the largest surviving palace complex in the world and covers over 170 acres. It consists of 980 buildings and the main area is surrounded by a moat.

This would be the perfect photo if Bre wasn't inexplicably cupping my left breast.

Below was one of our favorite meals in a small restaurant in the heart of Beijing. We had the whole restaurant to ourselves. Much to our surprise, Chase actually loved this meal. He ate bite after bite of beef strips with rice and mushrooms. We couldn't believe it. It was the only Chinese meal he ate the entire trip.

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