Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Valentines Day and Chase's Class Musical

 Love these two cuties!!!!

 Bryce and Chase checking out what mom and dad got them for Valentines Day before we headed off to school.

 Chase excited to give his teacher, Mrs. Frisch, a rose.  Teaching my boys young that girls like flowers.
Bryce with his teacher Mrs. Katrice(above) and Mrs. Gigi(below).  Bryce was so cute.  He helped me pick out some roses before preschool and was so excited to give them to his teachers.  Bryce just started at Creation Corner Preschool this past January and goes on Tues and Thurs. from 9:30 to 2:30.  Took him a few times to adjust, but now he likes it and he loves Ms. Gigi.

Chase at his kindergarden musical performance.

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