Thursday, March 6, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Bryce!!

Happy Birthday to Bryce.  Can't believe he is already 3.  Bryce is the sweetest kid and keeps us on our toes.  He cracks me up every day with things he says, he picks up everything.  He is one smart cookie.  His voice is so cute right now, just want to bottle it up.  And for some reason he picked up a jersey accent with his r's, so his nickname during our Utah trip home was "The Situation".  You just never know what you were going to get with Bryce, going through a new 3 year old phase at the time.  But he has now settled down into his 3's, and is potty trained now as well.  Yeah!  Bryce loves his mom and dad and really loves Chase.  He also loves books and he is great at playing independently, he has a great imagination.  He also loves soccer and has a sweet tooth.  Love my little ninja turtle.  He is the "best kid ever", a Bryce line (replace kid with anything food or fun).

 Pinata Time
Silly String Fun

 Cute Cousins, they could pass as brother and sister.

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