Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chase is 3 1/2 and Bryce is 13 1/2 Months

Chase loves to play "I am going to get you" with Bryce.  Bryce just loves it.  Chase will follow behind Bryce and say I am going to get you over and over again and then will give Bryce a gentle squeeze while Bryce just cracks up.  It is really cute.
Big hug although Bryce looks like he might be giving Chase a small little nibble which Bryce is known for.

This is a daily occurrence at our house right now.  The boys are playing soccer up and down the hall.  It gets good energy out during these long winter months and they both are getting really fast and good.  

Chase wanted to pose here for a picture so he could look at it after I took a picture of him.  I can't believe Chase is 3 1/2.  He has grown up so much lately.  His vocabulary is growing each day and he seems like he loves to learn.  He loves to play the opposite game while we are in the car and he knows all the sounds the letters make in the alphabet.  I just had to make a "All about Me" Book for Chase for Ms. Yuri's Preschool class.  It turned out really cute.  The book was mostly about Chase's favorite things which are ice cream, chocolate, pb&j, loves to run and play soccer and go to Weasel's Den(indoor playground we have here), he loves to play trains and read books.  And he loves puppy dogs and wants to be either a Fireman or a Doctor when he grows up and he loves the color blue.  
Bryce is 13 1/2 months and he is getting so big.  He is just the cutest thing ever and boy does he love books.  He is always walking around with a Elmo or Thomas book and brings it to you to read to him.  He uses a fork and spoon by himself.  I don't trust him with a bowl on his tray yet, but he is doing a really good job.  Just wish he would get over his dairy allergy.  Bryce loves to laugh and lately he has been squinting his eyes and hold out his hands when he wants something he can't have or gets mad.  It is really funny and he will do it while he is walking too.  Bryce loves his toys and his brothers toys especially toys that he can stick something into and push a button for a rocket to pop out.  And he is really good at making car, plane, and rocket noises.  He says mom and "ooh ooh ooh" when he gets excited, but that is about it for now.  Chicken nuggets and french fries are probably his favorite thing to eat, with pasta, rice, raisins, and pretzels following close behind.  

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Can't believe how quickly Chase and Bryce are growing up! They are too cute for words. Cherish these moments.
