Friday, September 30, 2011

Bryce is 9 Months Old-He's on the Move!

I am the luckiest mom in the world. I thought one boy was great, but two boys are the best.

Bryce and Chase taking their first bath together. Bryce just loves bath time and getting to bathe with his brother is just the best. He just splashes and laughs the whole time. Chase likes having a buddy, but we have to monitor cause Chase doesn't understand that he is so little. Chase loves to hug and kiss on Bryce. Well, when he is not mad at him for taking his toys or getting in his chair.

Bryce turned 9 months on the 22nd. He is still the best baby. He just lights up a room with his smile and loves to show off his smile when we are out and about. He was just starting to crawl at 9 month and now he has taken off a week later. He likes to do the crab crawl(I call it that), cause he crawls with one leg not fully down. It is kind of funny. But he is slowly getting rid of the crab crawl as he is getting faster.
9 Month Stats:
Weight: 21 lbs. 15 oz. (65%)
Height: 28.5 in. (50%)
Head: 18 in. (50%)


DeLana said...

What fabulous brothers! Can't wait to see them. Can't believe Bryce is already 9 months! Enjoy, because it goes by way too fast.


The Crofts family said...

Cute pictures of the boys. Chase is also crawling and is always getting into EVERYTHING! I guess that's how they learn.

Grandma T. said...

It was just a matter of time...for the crawling and the potty training. Grammie is right, it goes by really fast. Chase and Bryce are so cute together. You are very lucky. Miss those boys like crazy.