Monday, February 8, 2010

Sapporo Snow Festival - Tseudome Site

Chase and I inside an igloo sitting on heart shaped stools.
Chase liked crawling through these snow tunnels and it was hilarious when he was trying to push himself through.
Baby snow slides that were perfect for Chase.
Ice Slides. So Cool. So Chase and I are at the first slide getting ready to go down. I thought I could put Chase on my lap but they told me at the last second that I couldn't go down. So the Japanese worker tried to put Chase on the slide but he got scared, so I was going to bring him back down. But Cole was yelling at me to just push him down. So I felt horrible, but I pushed Chase and he ended up sliding on his belly all the way down. When Cole picked him up he was laughing, so luckily he loved it and I didn't feel so terrible.
Inside a big sports dome next to this snow festival site they had a bunch of activities for the kids as well. Chase loved the stuffed characters walking around. They must be Japanese cartoon characters cause we didn't recognize them.

1 comment:

DeLana said...

My little slide man is so scrumptious!!! What great memories you are making. Slurping noodles? I would have to have ear plugs. Looks really fun though.
Thanks for sharing your adventures with all of us.
