Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day from my 18 Month Old

Cole surprised with some beautiful flowers for Valentines Day. Thank you sweetie, you're the best. Just realized this was Valentines Day #7 for us. Lucky #7.
Love the Jordan outfit you sent Grandma T. Chase's doctor commented again at his visit this past week that Chase has such an athletic build and to check out his upper body. Which just cracked me up, I guess Chase is doing push ups in his crib before I get him in the morning before he throws out his blanket, bink, and socks over the side.

The Muffin Man right before Church in his Valentines Day outfit. He is getting so big and is in full blown toddler mode(everything needs to be locked or out of reach and sight), but he does still love to give hugs and snuggle up which melts my heart every time. And when ever Cole gives me a hug he runs over and hugs both of our legs to let him in. The guy behind us at church asked me what Chase's name was and after I told him he said that was a great name for someone with a lot of personality(Chase was giving him and the lady in front of us hi fives during church and flirting with them both.)

So here are his 18 month stats:
Weight-25 lbs (40%)
Height-32.5 in (55%)
Head-18.82 in (50%)


Mom/Grandma Smith said...

What a cutie!!!

Lyana said...

He seems so much older to me than my Mark! Cute, cute, cute!!