Monday, January 18, 2010

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Our landlord comes and snowplows our driveway and yard. Not as frequent as we would like, but this last week the plows could not keep up with all the snow. I feel like I am living on top of a mountain. The plows here create ice roads instead of completely removing the snow off to the side. So you drive on layers of packed snow. So driving around has been much slower, but extremely beautiful.
Cole taking a jump at the snowpark at Appi ski resort last Friday.
Brad, Doug, and Cole enjoyed a fun powder day at Appi. I am pretty sure they had a blast on the mountain with no kids, no wives, and no work to worry about.

Looking good, Cole. Nice air.
Brad and Doug looking good in the powder.
Night Boarding at Schichnohe this last Wed. We were some of the first boarders there that night so we enjoyed making the first tracks down the mountain. We had a great time and you can't beat skiing for $10.
On the chair lift.
View from our kitchen window.
This was after our first snow storm, we had two more big storms this last week. We have a couple feet of snow outside right now.

Chase and I with his puke bowl. Poor little guy got a little stomach bug. I now understand the meaning behind projectile vomiting. I have been doing laundry nonstop this past week, but thankfully Chase is all better now.

1 comment:

DeLana said...

Pile Up the Snow! Wow! Had no idea you get that much snow in Japan. Chase looks cute as ever on top of the heap...and Tig getting some sweet air looked relaxed. Glad you got a little night boarding in and am really glad the muffin man is feeling better.
