Monday, January 12, 2009

Chase's New Toys

Chase is 5 months old.  He is a cracker and loves to smile.  He still hates to take naps, but he sleeps good at night.  He is rolling over on his own a couple times a day now.  We will have to try to get it on video.  But he hasn't figured out how to roll back over so he gets stuck on his stomach and gets mad.  We love this little guy-he brings us so much joy!


Kara said...

I love these pictures! Sooo cute!!! He looks even older than when he was here a couple weeks ago!! Don't let him grow up too fast!

Mom/Grandma Smith said...

I love these pictures!!! Sooo cute!!! Wait, did Kara just say that? Tis true!! What a doll that boy is!! Swimming is so good for them when they are parents! Enjoy!
xxoo, Louise