Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday to my sweet Chase. 8/8/13

Chase wanted a Star Wars Birthday.  So that is what he got.  We have moved during his birthday the last 3 years.  Luckily, he is doesn't care, and was just excited for a family party since we hadn't met anyone yet in Illinois.  We did find a bounce house place and ordered Chinese food for dinner, both at his request.  We just love this cool dude.  He seems to be getting older by the minute and is really growing up fast now.  He loves sports, food, friends, and fun(sound like someone), and has a hard time playing independently.  And he is super smart.  Yep, he is the spitting image of his dad.  And my favorite moment of the day is when I lay by him at night and he hugs and kisses me and tells me how much he loves me.  He is so sweet.  And I just love all of his energy and I am so glad he is a good kid.

Cole took Chase to his first ball game.  Go Cards.  Chase loved it and the food and the metro ride.  

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