Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aomori Festival

The Aomori Festival was the by far the biggest festival with the most people. It was the last night of the festival(festivals usually last around a few days)so the floats were put out into the harbor for everyone to see and then they have a firework show over the water. There was of course more food vendors, but we decided to eat healthy that night and had a corn on the cob (cold but good) and a rice ball with some salty salmon inside. I also experienced one of my most embarrasing moments at this festival which I will share later with a picture so you can better understand what happened.


Emily said...

WOW! You guys are experiencing some cool stuff!

Grandma T. said...

I love reading your blogs. They make me laugh, and I feel like you are talking directly to me. Can I have you come and teach a lesson on VOICE to me class?
I just want to reach through that screen and hug that little guy. Could he be any Cuter? I mean Chase.

Grandma T. said...

ooops. Me class. I just turned Irish.

DeLana said...

Hi Berry,
Love, Love, Love you guys. What a fabulous adventure you are all having. This is a great way to keep a journal. We miss all of you. Chase looks like he is having a great time riding high on Tig's back.

Love you,