Here are a few pictures taken over the Thanksgiving holiday. We were grateful to have Grandpa Gary and Grandma Dawn over for Chase's first Thanksgiving. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate lots of good food.
Ok, the masses have spoke, demanding more videos, so I will oblige. Here is a short segment from earlier today with Chase. I should add that Chase loved the Utah game and it is pretty clear which side of the rivalry he falls on. BYU scored an early touchdown and a bunch of people stood and cheered. Chase frowned his lower lip and started crying. The Utes answered with a TD and when I cheered (because I was the only other Ute fan there) Chase laughed and started cheering (which was basically some ooohhhhs and uhhhhs). Good to see the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. Hope the video suffices for now. We will post some more after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
OK, this is Cole with my first ever blog post. I feel so domestic. I took a short video of Chase making an effort to roll over. He still just chills out on his belly and looks around, but when he is on his back, this is his new favorite thing to do. He is still in the 75%-85% for height and weight for his age, so he is eating well and growing like he should! Proud dad here.
This is a pic of Chase in his new Huskers outfit that our neighbors bought for us as a baby gift. I am not sure I approve of the team, but at least the colors are right. Red and white! Go Utes! Chase will definitely be wearing red for the big game this weekend.
I can't believe it has been 3 months already. It has turned really cold here so Chase and I are sad cause we won't be able to do as many stroller walks around the block. I guess we will just have to head to the mall. I am not looking forward to the cold Nebraska winter, but at least if it is miserable outside I don't have to worry about dressing up and going to work. What a great perk about being a mom.
Chase was a doctor for Halloween with scrubs that had Dr. Chase embroided on them. Although right before I put them on Chase decided to have an early Thanksgiving feast, so he ended up spitting up all over his scrubs. Cole had fun showing Chase off around his office while in his banana suit, and I handed out pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Luckily Cole took off the banana suit right after, because I am sure his gyn patients wouldn't appreciate their doctor walking in as a giant banana.
Cole's pumpkin turned out really cool this year. My pumpkin is not displayed because I was half way through and the goblin I was carving collapsed on me. Oops!! It had been a busy week and by the time I got Chase to bed at 10:00 that night, I think I was trying to rush through carving that night so I could go to bed too, but it backfired. The joys of being a new mom.
Chase will be 11 weeks tomorrow. Here he is in one of his cute polo outfits from Grammy. He still loves to tell goo goo ga ga stories and loves to laugh. Although he hates putting his jammies on every night. It makes him so mad.
Cole gave Chase a beautiful baby blessing last Sunday. Chase was really good during his blessing, and Cole said he just stared at him the whole time while he was giving the blessing. Thanks mom and dad for being there for Chase's special day.
Chase went in for his 2 month doctor visit last week and weighed 13 lbs. 7 oz and 23.5 in. He is a healthy growing boy. He did not like getting his shots, but I think it was harder on me to watch. He is so much fun right now cause he loves to smile and tell goo ga ga stories. It just cracks me up.
Here are some pictures of Chase taken over the past 2 weeks (the top picture being the most recent). He is getting bigger by the day, but I can't wait till he is sleeping through the night. Although he does give me 5 hour stretches on some nights, so I love those nights. Chase made it through his first sacrament meeting last Sunday without a peep. Other than that, Chase loves his baths, stroller rides, and is getting better about getting in his car seat. And mom is loving dressing Chase in all his cute outfits we received from everyone. (Top to Bottom: Outfit by Luce, Dawn, Mel, and DeLana)
Well, Chase is 3 weeks old and weighs 8 lbs and 14 oz. Which is 2 pounds more than when he left the hospital, so he is a growing boy and loves his milkshakes. Here are a few pics of Chase watching his first Utah football game with his Dad against Michigan. He is wearing red now, but we will see what color he will be wearing when Utah plays BYU. Go Cougars!!!
He is already a character with all his many expressions. He cracks us up every day. He is the best baby. As you can see in the last picture, like Father like son.
Chase's first stroller ride with the fam and first bath. Thanks Grandma Dawn for helping me give Chase his first real bath and Chase loved every second of it.